

- August 13, 2016
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Human Rights Hero 2011 Mumar Gaddafi
PREVIEW: We thought they said Gaddafi was killed for being a brutal tyrant who murdered peaceful protesters, but how come that same year 2011 he won the human rights hero award globally? In which court of law was Gaddafi tried before his murder? Why was African Union not allowed to intervene in a nation that is part of her? Why has Libya become horrible after the death of Gaddafi if he was a stumbling block to peace and progress? 
I wish Gaddafi can be brought back to life to continue his good works for Africa: The gold dinar, man-made river, African bank and The United States of Africa. Gaddafi will never die, his legacies will be resurrected - Eze Sayz 

During the past weeks, Mathaba.net and other websites mobilized their readers to vote for Muammar Qaddafi in Amnesty International’s Human Rights Heroes online poll. Having successfully brought Muammar Qaddafi to the lead in Amnesty International’s poll, the poll was closed a month early to prevent further exposure of the international support for the former Libyan leader murdered during a US-sponsored uprising.
Charity and liberal support, such as embodied by Amnesty International, is always problematic in that it dulls the discontent and stifles mobilization for real revolutionary solutions to social problems.
In the case of Amnesty International however, it plays an active role in abetting US domination of the globe. Though it may feign opposition to US policy, its main criticism are always directed towards the opponents of US policy or those somewhat independent of US influence. When an online poll, hardly a scientific measure of anything, threatens to highlight the positive role played by a target of US aggression, Amnesty International closes the poll to maintain US imperialism’s narrative on the matter.
The issue at hand is not Muammar Qaddafi’s merits as a ‘Human Right’s Hero,’ but rather the role played by Amnesty International. Rather than exposing and ending human rights abuses as it claims, Amnesty International is an institution in service to the system of capitalism-imperialism, one of perpetual human rights abuses. Amnesty International offers a kind of half-hearted criticism of the US so as to maintain some appearance of independence, when in reality it wholly functions to further enable the existence of capitalist social relations, primarily that dominated over by US-led imperialism, and the militarism necessary to maintain them.
Nick Brown

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