

- November 17, 2018
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The Huge Size of Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo alone is the size of the following twelve European countries combined: Britain, Ireland, France, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Armenia, Albania and Belgium.

Congo's Natural Wealth

Congo is 905,355 square miles. Its untapped potential wealth is estimated at twenty four trillion American dollars ($24Tr).  Yet Congo is living in poverty, wars and diseases because of her long history of subjugation under the parasitic effects of Colonisation.

The Colonisation of Congo by Genocidist King Leopold II of Belgium

From 1885 to 1908, Belgian King Leopold II took control of the Congo. He turned the nation into a moneymaking machine by farming ivory and rubber and building a fortune on the labor of the people who lived there.

Things quickly got out of control. Leopold’s harsh policies to keep people working turned into a brutal reign of mutilations and terror that led to the deaths of an estimated 10 million people in a few short years.

Congo Milked To Fund Belgium in World War ii

Boasting about how Belgium stole the riches of the Congo, the Belgian Secretary of Colonies Godding said:

“During the War [European World War against Adolf Hitler], the Congo was able to finance all the expenditure of the Belgian government in exile in London, including the diplomatic service as well as the cost of armed forces in Europe and America…the Belgian gold reserve could be left intact.”

Today, Congo is about the 7th poorest country in the world with only about $38b GDP and about $500 per capita income, while Belgium has a GDP of about $500b and about $45,000 per capita income.

The whole thing is clear: one is rich potentially, the other is rich at her expense. That is what Colonisation is all about: get rich from their resources while they become poorer.

Afrika Unite and be de-colonised!!!

Eze Chimere Nwauzo
Chairman of #OAF
(One Afrika Family Organization)

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