

- November 07, 2018
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Afrika Unite
Eze Chimere Nwauzo
Leader of OAF

1. Afrikans Must Unite To End The Colonisation Of Afrika:

Since 525BC when Kemet (Egypt) fell to the Persians, Afrika has been under Colonisation fully or partially and the only way out of this 2,5 43 years of bondage is through Afrikan Unity guided by leadership with a Vision.

So long as Afrika remains divided, we remain colonised. Every Afrikan state was granted "independence" by colonialists and with very strong "strings attached" therefore no Afrikan state is free, and any Afrikan state that tries to raise her head gets levelled down example: Ghana under Nkrumah, Libya under Gadafi, Burkina Faso under Thomas Sankara.

The resources of Afrika are today under the control of multinationals which are all foreign controlled. We need to have control over our resources.

"Analysis by a coalition of UK and Afrikan equality and development campaigners including Global Justice Now, claims the rest of the world is profiting more than most African citizens from the continent’s wealth.

It said Afrikan countries received $162bn in 2015, mainly in loans, aid and personal remittances. But in the same year, $203bn was taken from the continent, either directly through multinationals repatriating profits and illegally moving money into tax havens, or by costs imposed by the rest of the world through climate change adaptation and mitigation."

- The Guardian

The resources in Amerika are controlled by Amerikans, the resources in Europe are not controlled by Asians, we must unite so we must control our resources, be free, be independent of the influence of colonial organizations over our economy and politics, let us unite Afrika and together we shall be free.

2. We Must Unite Now To Stop The Negative Values from The East and West

The radical infiltration of corrupt values from the west and the east must be stopped before we find ourselves totally degraded.

There are Afrikan norms which are excellent and we shall never allow to be tampered with.

We Afrikans have a  culture of community, a culture of cooperation to raise a child and help each other rise, but we have long dropped that for a lesser culture of individualism because of colonisation;

We only knew of marriage between a man and a woman alone, but now we see our own fellow Afrikans "coming out of the closet" to marry same sex just because the colonisers live that way;

We are now battling with the culture of terrorism which is not Afrikan, we must unite and push them.back to their senders;

We are battling with a culture of indecency and nakedness in the midst of sea of clothes available for all who care to dress up, we must unanimously reject that and bring back decency;

We must unite and rebuild our positive cultures and throw back to the west and middle East the cultures they bring to us which are inimical to our development as a people.  Hope we are together.

3. We Must Unite Afrika Now To Secure One Afrikan Currency.

We must unite Afrika to have a single Afrikan currency with which to buy and sell all over Afrika and diaspora. We need the Afrikan currency so we can sell our products with our currency which will improve our economy and prosper us, rather than selling in Dollars and Euros to the benefit of others.

The one Afrikan currency will also ease trade between Afrikans by eliminating need for currency search and conversion before trade thereby aiding Intra-Afrika trade and boosting the local industries Afrika.

4. We Must Unite Afrika Now To Begin Building Afrika Together:

The first Afrikan communication satellite was gotten because we bought it together with the strong help of Gaddafi. Afrika was paying $400m annually to Europe for communication satellites but now we have ours. Unity will give us roads that connect all Afrika, rail roads, power generation that can electrify all of Afrika.

5. We Must Unite Afrika Now To Be Strong:

"Even the weak become strong when they unite"

- popular quote

A divided Afrika is a powerless Afrika in need of aids and paltry change from our mighty resources been sucked up by the colonisers. It is so because division dilutes power but unity will bring our powers together, by bringing our citizens together to form a population of 1.3 billion people at home and hundreds of millions abroad: the third most populous country in the world and the largest country in the world by global population therefore with very strong market and bargaining power.

By uniting our economies, by having one language which will be the most spoken language in the world, by uniting our armies to one of the largest and strongest in the world, and the united Afrika will be the largest country in the world larger than Russia, larger than US, India, Mexico, China and much of Europe put together The united States of Afrika will be powerful from beginning, every nation in the world will respect us and want to be our allies, and no one will take us for granted any more.

6. We Must Unite Afrika To Save Unnecessary Cost:

 A united Afrika will save the cost of running so many embassies to having only Afrikan embassies, it will save the cost of communication, cost of transportation within Afrika by making for the establishment of intra Afrika Railway Network aiding also the cost of movement within Afrika for the Afrikan people, it will save the cost spent in protecting the borders of Afrika.

7. We Must Unite To Be Self-Sustaining Rather Than Dependent

Afrika today is dependent on "aids" at all levels for virtually all sectors:

The AU building in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia which is currently the headquarters of we the Afrikan people was built by the Chinese "free of charge" and allegedly spied for 5 years by the same Chinese.

The same Chinese have pledged to build a $32m Headquarters for ECOWAS in Abuja

The Washington-based Center for Global Development and Aid Data has revealed research findings that suggest China is financing 1,673 development projects worth $75bn (£48bn) in 50 Afrikan countries.

So the questions are:

After 60 years of Independence, Afrikans can't build a Headquarters for themselves?
ECOWAS cannot build their headquarters?
Afrikans cannot be sufficient enough without aids?

We call them "free aids" but we  are paying for them by losing our sovereignty bit by bit, parcel after parcel:

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had this to say:

 ”Chinese investment does have the potential to address Afrika’s infrastructure gap, but its approach has led to mounting debt and few, if any, jobs in most countries,”

A United States lawmaker, Rep Chris Smith, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa, said in a recent opinion article that China also uses foreign aid as a “bargaining chip” in corrupt Afrikan countries with plenty of natural resources for them to exploit.

“AidData, a research laboratory at the College of William and Mary, argued in written testimony submitted to my committee that China effectively buys the votes of Afrikan governments at the United Nations; they concluded that if African countries voted with China at the UN an extra 10 per cent of the time, they would receive an 86 per cent bump in assistance,” the lawmaker said.

Nigeria has accepted the Chinese Yuan as a reserve currency, which will begin to compete with the US dollar.

The "aids" are actually AIDS meant to destroy Afrikan economy so as to begin a fresh Colonisation of Afrika.

As a disunited people, we are poor, wretched, begging for help, for Aids from those who depend on our resources, but if we unite in heart and mind and say "it is enough" we shall build skyscrapers in every street of Afrika.


Only Afrikan Unity guided by true Afrikan Leadership toward the Afrikan Vision can remedy this well calculated attack on Afrika.

Eze Chimere Nwauzo
Leader of OAF


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