
100 Years Since 400 Chadiand Were MASSACRED By French Colonial Forces

- November 17, 2018
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17 November 1917 Massacre

This date 17/11/2018 marks one hundred years since the French colonial soldiers massacred 400 unarmed Chadian civilians in 17/11/1917. We call this event "le événement de coupe-coupe " which means (the event of the machete) and machetes were the tools they used to kill our ancestors by breaking the skulls. [horrific]

The French nowadays are more accepted in Afrikans more than the Afrikans themselves. Their bad politics and sick mentality are still destroying many Afrikan nations.

If we are to kick any colonial power out of Afrika, the French are to start with.

One day France and all colonialists who have committed atrocities in Afrika will have to pay.

Courtesy: Ibrahim Musa
OAF Chad
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