
Let Us Unite Into One Gigantic Afrika

- November 10, 2018
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Afrika Unite and shine
Image credit:
Ismail Hassan (PicsArt.com)

Let Us Make Afrika One!!!

We the Afrikans have been
hoping for centuries to be free, to be rich and powerful like other nations, to enjoy what other people are taking for granted, but instead of us lifting ourselves up, we help to destroy ourselves, we compete against ourselves and try to walk alone, a path which has never been advantageous, because in isolation is destruction while in unity is strength.

I have never seen any disadvantage in unity, i have never seen any advantage in disunity.

 Many Afrikan states have tried to gain Uhuru alone only to gain false independence or be levelled down when they sought Uhuru. Such is the limitation of disunity, such is the disadvantage all of us will keep on battling with  so long as we are still divided.

We forget that the unified voices of 50 men speaking in unity at once, will be heard louder, clearer and honoured than 1000 men shouting "yes", "no", "go", "stay" individually; the power of Afrika demanding together with one voice "time for Afrika to rise again", will weigh more than the different little voices gasping for breath all over the land.

We all want Afrika to rise again, but that can only be possible by the power of God through Afrikan Unity.

The power of Afrika is in the unity of Afrika. The voice of Afrika, is the united voices of Afrika, united in heart, united in govt, united in vision and united in language.

There is courage in unity, there is power in unity, there is endless energy when we walk as a team, the journey is too tough for any Afrikan state to walk it all alone.

We can not afford to continue in disunity, only to be broken whenever we try to rise, like broom sticks broken with ease. We cannot afford to remain subdued: the Benghazi crisis, the francafrique, the Zimbabwean sanctions, the 27 years of Jailing Mandela and other atrocities were made possible because we are divided, let us become united.

Too many wars, too much poverty, too many brother against brother conflicts in Afrika, let us unite, let us stop fighting ourselves, let us end the wars let us stop treating ourselves with hate and love ourselves and tell ourselves the truth, let us be united.

We run 50+ economies, embassies, armies etc how can we be powerful, whereas Amerika unified all her states to one. By being 50+ states we divided our power into 50+ parts, so we cannot achieve anything meaningful yet until we #UniteAfrika into one United States of Afrika that will combine the forces of all the Afrikan states into a United Nation.

We must come together, all Afrikan people to heal, to reunite, to transform our weak conquered states into a powerful united states, to turn our helpless state into a superstate, to turn our massive numbers into a great advantage.

The lions of Afrika: Marcus Garvey, Kwame Nkrumah, Zik, Mandela, Bob Marley... Have all spoken, the future of Afrika is in Afrikan unity, there is no other way.

Let us unite, let us be one, let us be brothers, let us be sisters, let us be fellow citizens, let us be Afrikans, let us UNIFY our different voices not heard a mile away, to one united voice heard all over heaven and earth.
Let us make the voice of Afrika  shake the earth,

Let us turn our colonial values into new Afrikan values of Live, Wisdom, Truth, Courage and Uhuru, gather our aims, and ambitions that divide us into a unifying vision that unite us, of a united Afrika, a redeveloped Afrika, a powerful and a super Afrika, from last to first.

Let our thousand languages give us one Afrikan language, one language for us, one language one Afrika
spoken by us, and can't be ignored by the worlds.

Afrika shall speak as one,
Afrika shall become one, Afrika shall unite with one voice United in language, aim and intent.
The world shall bow for Afrika, let us unite Afrika.

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