

- May 09, 2016
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A UK daily, Daily Mail, has accused President Muhammadu Buhari of extravagance just as Nigeria is busy looking for aid from foreign governments and donor agencies.
According to the Daily Mail report, the British government is set to give nearly £250million in the coming year to Nigeria.
The report also alleged that President Buhari spends a whopping £26,000 on his daughter, Zahra, who attends Surrey University in the UK.
The report equally suggests that President Buhari’s presence at David Cameron’s anti-corruption summit this week may be a surprise to many because Nigeria receives vast amounts of UK aid.

Justifying the charge of extravagance, the reports say the opposition Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, had, in April, unearthed a ticket stub showing Hanan, 16, had flown first-class from London to Nigeria, even after the President had banned government officials from flying first class. Hannan is said to be Buhari’s daughter, while also estimating that the President had spent a total of £150,000 on Zahra at Surrey.
According to the report, President Buhari is believed to have failed to give a full account of his worth, despite declaring more than £1million in the bank, five houses, and two plots of land.
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