

- May 07, 2016
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A new coalition of leaders from Southern Nigeria has emerged. The group which calls itself Southern Nigeria People’s Assembly (SNPA), have roundly criticized the rumored grazing reserve bill.
According to the group, the bill is antiquated and should be replaced with modern grazing techniques. They also stated that private commercial undertakings like cattle rearing should not be elevated into national discourses.
The statement which was signed by the Secretary of SNPA, Dr. Ifedi Okwenna, in Asaba, decried the brutal murder, raping and decapitating of Nigerians by marauding herdsmen in Agatu, Enugu, Taraba and other parts of the country,
Former Vice President Alex Ekwueme represented the South East while Edwin Clark and Bolanle Gbonigi represented the South-South and the South West respectively.

  1. According to the leaders, “The President should deal decisively with the issue of Fulani herdsmen in the manner government is dealing with the insurgency problem that if unchecked, has the capacity to snowball to another Boko Haram.

“Consequently, he should set up a Judicial Panel of Inquiry to investigate all Fulani herdsmen attacks between May 2015 till date and all those found to be directly or remotely involved in those attacks should be arrested and brought to book.
“The Northern Elders Forum should realize that President Muhammadu Buhari is the President of Nigeria and not the President of Northern Nigeria. The government is therefore for the entire Nigeria, and programs and projects should be for the overall development and growth of the country and not a section of it.”
Delta State Governor Ifeanyi Okowa charged the body to promote unity and development. According to him, “You are here to deliberate and proffer solutions to some of the national issues. As you discuss, you should ensure that you represent the county in a positive light. You should also use this platform to keep Nigeria united.”
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