
I Am Gadafi A Pan-Afrikan Leader I was Murdered For Afrikan Unity

- April 11, 2018
I am Gaddafi a Pan Afrikan leader murdered by colonists for trying to free Afrikans by establishing: One Afrikan gold currency named &quo...

Muma Gaddafi Was A Berber And Not An Arab

- April 11, 2018
MUMA GADDAFI WAS A "BERBER" NOT AN "ARAB" Muma Gaddafi Contrary to what we have thought all the while, that Pan-A...

MY Afrikan Leadership Is A Divine Mandate

- April 11, 2018
MY AFRIKAN LEADERSHIP IS A DIVINE MANDATE My leadership for Afrikans, my assignment to lead Afrikans from Last to first, is a mandate fro...

Be Proud Of Your Dark Skin!!!

- April 11, 2018
Are you proud to have a dark skin? A skin that shines like the skin of angels? I am proud of my dark skin and would never exchange it for...

The Only Way Back To Afrikan/Black Power Is Afrikan Unity

- April 11, 2018
Afrikan unity The only way out of Colonialism and the other factors holding Afrikans down is through Afrikan Unity. One Afrikan gold...

Afrika Unite and Restore Your Dignity!!!

- April 11, 2018
AFRIKA UNITE AND RESTORE YOUR DIGNITY!!! Afrika the land of origin, the mother of civilization has suffered a lot from colonialists wh...

Rwanda and Afrika Cannot Accept To Be A Trash Can For The Western clothing trash

- April 11, 2018
MESSAGE FROM RWANDA Rwanda and Afrika Cannot Accept To Be A Trash Can For The Western clothing trash.         Second hand clothes ...

Ghana Will Not Allow US Military Base Be Placed In Ghana - Nana

- April 11, 2018
President Nana Addo Ghana Will Not Allow US Military Base Be Placed In Ghana -  Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo The president confirmed ...

There Is No Reason Why Afrika Should Not Unite!!!😉

- April 11, 2018
#NoReasonNot2UniteAfrika No reason for Afrika not 2 unite! Afrika must unite Afrikan unity is the key to Afrikan progress Afrikan un...