

- June 16, 2016
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This is to inform the general public, interested parties and oil & gas stakeholders that on Thursday the 16th day of June 2016, in the Ecowas Community Court of Justice, Suit No: ECW/CCJ/APP/20/15, holden at Abuja, on the commencement of hearings after pleadings have been concluded by learned counsels on both sides of the Plaintiffs and Defendant since the suit was instituted just over a year ago.
This landmark case is between the Plaintiffs, Mr. Nosa Ehanire-Osaghae, Mr. Jonah Gbemre, Mr. Aiko Obobaifo and Mr. Daniel Ikponmwosa, suing on behalf of the Niger Delta People and the Defendant, the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Our expectation is for the Defendant to take plea for the court to hear witnesses on both the Plaintiffs and Defendants sides. That we are set to go on with the matter until the determination of the case.
That the Ecowas Court is a noteworthy International Court for the common man of West Africa, and that at the end of this landmark case, the Honorable Court will grant the orders we sought in prayers. Namely: 1. That the Federal Republic of Nigeria has violated the fundamental human rights of Niger Deltans by depriving them of their God given oil blocks vis-à-vis natural resources which they allocated to foreign oil companies and non-indigenes from other parts of the country at their own expense and impoverishment. 2. That the Federal Republic of Nigeria has violated the fundamental human rights of Niger Deltans to life and a healthy environment by the hazardous flaring of gas in their host communities unabated for the last 30 years, which has resulted in many health casualties, fatalities and untimely deaths without adequate reliefs and compensations.
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