

- June 12, 2016
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Grazing Reserves: FG lied, Taraba State Govt not a party to agreement of land donation - Gov  Ishaku

PARIS, JUNE 12, 2016: (DGW) THE Taraba State Government has described the recent claim by the Minister of Agriculture, Chief Audu Ogbeh that the Federal Government has secured enough land across the 36 states and Abuja for  the national grazing reserves as a lie.
The Governor denied this in a press release signed by Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Mr. Sylvanus Giwa that his state was in agreement or among the states that donated hectares of land to implement the grazing reserves programme.
The statement said the governor frowned on  the recent publication in some dailies describing the lie as mischievous  that eleven northern states including Adamawa, Gombe, Plateau, Kaduna, Katsina, Kano, Taraba, Niger, Sokoto, Jigawa and Federal Capital Territory have donated 55,000  hectares of land each for grazing, to implement the grazing reserves. 
Ishaku stated that “in order to put the record straight, the Taraba State government in as much as we appreciate the need for the creation of conducive environment for all categories of agriculture and pastoral activities, there is need for proper collaboration between states and federal government” 

“The Taraba state government is, therefore, is not aware of any” such agreement of land donation”.
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