

- September 28, 2018
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OAF logo the Afrikan Vision
OAF logo: Afrika lifted high above every city
In the world. That is
The Afrikan Vision

If you look around the world today, you will notice that the whites are on top, the Chinese, the Arabs etc follow, while Afrikans are the least every where, always at the bottom.
The #AfrikanVision is here to change all that:
The Afrikan Vision is
The Afrikan Vision is putting you the Afrikan on top!!
To push you from the back to the very front!!!
OAF is here to make sure that we Afrikans rise from the least people in the world to the greatest people in the world!!!
There must be someone on top, there must be someone ahead, some people must be the first
Why not Afrikans?
Why not us?
There is no reason why it should not be Afrikans!!!
If not Afrikans who should it
We Afrikans have suffered enough it is time for us to be on top again!!!
The last shall be the first!!!

OAF Leadership

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