

- September 28, 2018
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Somalia is a unification of two regions (southern Somali regions of Italian colony and northern regions of the British protectorate).

Both regions united in 1960, after both regions gained their independence from their former colonies:  the northern regions of a former British protectorate gained it's first independence 26 June 1960 ( the modern name is currently known as the republic of Somaliland) whilst the southern regions  Italian colonies gained their independence actually after 5 days , which was 1 July in 1960, then in the same day both regions united  as one Republic of Somalia.

From that year 1960-69 the united people of somalia had enjoyed the sweetness of independence: peace, democracy, and all positive lives indeed. People lived with full of dignity since they kept in mind the evilness of colonialism and wellness of freedom.

But in 1969, Somalia's history of positivity had its U-TURN:
It was 15 October 1969 when the Military forces overthrew the democratically elected government.  This coup was led by Mohammed Said Barre, the general commander chief of somalia's national army at the time.  From that year , our country went down into a totalitarian state from democracy state.

From 1969-80 the military government of Said Barre made good developments, in the country, built roads, industries, education reform, employed large numbers of somalia citizens, wrote Somali language scriptures, and many more.

 But 1980 was the beginning of Somalia's nightmares since our military government created enmity among it's own ppl after the military rule made injustices among it's ppl, and many rebels that aimed to resist the punishment of the military government emerged in several regions of Somalia, and this gave a wonderful chance to the external enemy of Somalia and they armed the local rebels which were against the military government.

The mission finally succeeded in 1991 since all rebels armed and backed by foreigners achieved to overthrow the Somali military regime led by Mohammed Siad Barre.

Since that year 1991 Somalia has  never had any functional government and our country is at the mercy of it's old enemies:the western colonialists, and they rule our country in the name of of a puppet weak  government through which they exploit us as they want.

The united nations is the real government of our country and it manages as it wishes,whilst our puppet so called government is under their hands. They loot the nations resources in the name of falsehood humanitarian aid, they loot our fishing industry in the name of keeping an illegal piracy, they legalize their presence of our soils in the name of fighting terrorist organizations in which they created and fund in our country in order to prolong their presence in somalia soils.

We need freedom. But sadly, 80% of my people are not aware of the hidden tactics of the western ideologies in their soils.

Like many Afrikan nations we are victims of our own resources indeed.

Somalia needs true freedom, Afrika needs a true freedom in all her affairs.
Thank you

Written by Dr. Ahmed Hassan
For OAF publication
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