

- October 04, 2016
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Hillary Clinton is a traitor to this nation. From a newly released exclusive byInfo Wars, Hillary Clinton personally ended a deal in Libya that would have led to free elections. This deal would have stopped the country from later being taken over by ISIS.
*** There also would have been no Benghazi.
The reason that she chose to go to war in Libya was over a personal vendetta against Muammar Gaddafi. This new information is coming from a whistleblower who oversaw the negotiations. His name is Dr. Kilari Anand Paul and he is a global peace ambassador that is a U.S. citizen.
Over 10 days of talks, an agreement was reached between Libyan Prime Minster Baghdadi al-Mahmoudi, President Muammar Gaddafi and the U.S. State Department under Obama. The deal was witnessed by General Clark and U.S. Rep Dennis Kucinich.
Here is the letter signed by all of the above parties on August 19, 2011. In the letter, Gaddafi agreed to peace and also agreed to move toward holding democratic elections.
*** Gaddafi was ready to step down from his 42-year dictatorship.
Here is a letter sent from Khaled Kaim, the Deputy Foreign Minister of Libya that thanks Dr. Paul for doing “whatever it takes to promote peace and stop war.”
If this deal had gone through, it would have saved thousands of lives. Benghazi would have been a place in Libya that you and I would have never heard of, and ISIS would not be in control of Libya.


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton didn’t want peace. She wanted to kill Muammar Gaddafi. The reason that she did it is because Gaddafi had supported Obama in 2008.

Hillary axed the deal.
Here is her famous line about Gaddafi’s execution.
“Her personal vendetta better explains her oddly giddy behavior when taking credit for Gaddafi’s horrifying death, as captured on video for the world to see,” said Dr. Paul about the video above “is evidence of a pathology or mental illness.”
While the liberal media tries to smear Trump as the one that is reckless, it is truly Hillary that is reckless with her power.
*** Every single Trump voter needs to share this right now! 
Share this on your wall and tell your friends about what Hillary really did in Libya.
This is massive news and the mainstream media will not show anybody this. Hillary Clinton is selfish.She needs to be EXPOSED!
We need to get this to 1 million shares.
Thanks for reading and thanks for sharing, patriots!
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