

- August 11, 2018
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Afrikan Solution

Greetings to all Afrikan people all over the world.
We are The One Afrika Family Organization: The Community of all Afrikan people all over the world

 The burden in our heart is the progress of all Afrikans:
How to change the present state of Afrika;
How to transform our state of poverty into prosperity;
To change the centuries of bondage of Afrikans to a new era of freedom, joy happiness and prosperity for all Afrikans.

The entire Afrika was shared like a piece of meat by Colonisers at the Berlin Conference, we couldn't stop our lands from being reduced to colonies, we were cut into satellite states for the benefits of colonisers and we are still more or less a colony till today.

Now we all know very much the present state of Afrika:
How we are the poorest continent and people on earth;
How Afrikans are found at the bottom of the ladder in every place on earth;
How the resources of Afrika are being used to develop already developed nations outside Afrika while Afrika has been taking steps back and forth one step forward and two steps back.

We have crude oil and we import petrol;
We have iron, nickel, aluminium etc yet we import phones, we import cars, we Import ships we import planes and export hardly any finished goods.

The poor electricity supply in Afrika is also a big issue:
We have more than enough rivers, and lakes, wind and uranium  yet we have only about 6hours average power supply across Afrika daily.
Of what use are our crude oil and the hot sun of Afrika if  we have 600million Afrikans without electricity?

We have the second largest continent: Afrika is 11.7 million square miles, just under twice the size of Russia of 6.6million square miles meaning that Afrika is bigger than Canada, the United States and China put together; we have the Congo basin enough to feed us;
Over 55% of Afrika’s labour force working in food production with vast areas of arable and pastoral lands supporting agricultural economies, yet 430,213,640 people in Afrika live in extreme poverty while some countries in the desert are exporting food.

Afrika’s population has been increasing rapidly, growing from 221 million in 1950 to 1 billion in 2009.  The current population of Afrika is about 1.29 billion based on the latest United Nations estimates.
Afrika's population is equivalent to 16.64% of the total world population

 If nearly half of all children in inner Afrika are living in extreme poverty, according to a joint UNICEF-World Bank report
Seventy-five percent of the world's poorest countries are located in Afrika, how are we going to cope when by 2050, 1.3 billion people are projected to be added to our population making our population to be about 2.6 billion people?We have to do sth fast.

Some believe that the challenges of Afrika cannot be solved, that Afrika is doomed to servitude. But we believe in the Afrikan Solution; we the One Afrika Family believe in  Afrikan Progress:

We draw inspiration from the fact that:
America was once a confederation of thirteen colonies now the world leader, Russia was once backward but now Russia is a global power, Singapore was once a third world colony but today, Singapore is one of the Ist world nations, China was once a nation of poor people but today China has the world's second largest economy and is the "Technological hub of the world".

If these nations and every other nation on top of the world rose from the valleys to the hills, then Afrika shall surely rise again and we believe that we are the ones to make that happen together.

These are the reasons why we are organizing ourselves all over the world to discuss and implement the Afrikan solution: how to lead Afrika out from the present valley to the glorious peak of light.

We are counting on you to be part of the Afrikan solution by being part of these Pan-Afrikan Conference we shall be holding starting 19th August 2018 at Luxury City Hotel Aba, Nigeria and worldwide with the Vision of "Leading Afrikans From Last To First"
Become part of the Afrikan solution, be there for the programme.

Eze Chimere Nwauzo
Chairman of OAF
(One Afrika Family Organization)

Titus Zulu
Deputy Chairman of OAF
And OAF Chairman Zambia
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