Showing posts with label Panama Papers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Panama Papers. Show all posts

#PanamaPapers: Head of Transparency International In Chile Resigns

- April 08, 2016
The president of the Chilean chapter of Transparency International has resigned after he was alleged to be involved with secret offshore com...

#PanamaPapers: China's Foreign Minister Calls For Clarifications

- April 08, 2016
Reuters China needs clarification on a massive leak of documents from a Panamanian law firm that revealed the offshore financial arrangement...

#PanamaPapers: "Resign Hypocrite" Britons Tell Cameron

- April 08, 2016
David Cameron is facing calls to resign after admitting he owned shares in his father's Panamanian trust with his wife Samantha, and ...

The #PanamaPapers Expose Massive Money Laundering By World Leaders

- April 08, 2016
The leak has already had major consequences Sometimes, quantity has a quality all its own. Even in a decade marked by massively consequent...